Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The next big thing! - Virtual Sound

We all are witnesses to the revolutionary change that digital camera bought to photography. And now brace yourself for a similar one,  this one about how we hear sound.

What it's about?
This idea enables one to focus the sound to a specific location, just like we focus light using reflectors and lenses.

What's the big deal?
Since its invention, some 80 years ago, loudspeakers have been giving out sound in all directions. If you have a loudspeaker turned on in a room, you will undoubtedly hear it regardless of whether you want to listen or not. With this revolutionary idea for a  speaker by Woody Norris, we can actually focus the sound to a particular person or area and them and only them will be able to hear the sound, as if the sound source was right next to them!!!. No one in the room will even hear a whisper! Check out the video talk by Woody Norris below.

Brace yourself for change!

The patent details for this invention is available here
About Woody Norris (from TED.com) :When Woody Norris won the Lemelson-MIT Prize in 2005, his official prize bio called him "a classic independent inventor ... self-educated, self-funded and self-motivated." His mind seems to race toward things the world needs, though we don't know it yet: a nonlethal acoustic weapon that has been used to ward off pirates, a bone-induction headset, radar that can scan the human body, a tapeless tape recorder ...

Norris' educational background is a key to his restless mind. He is not quite "self-educated" -- he's taken many classes, but always at his own speed and in his own style, studying the things he knew he wanted to know and working closely with professors. Ironically, it's a model that cutting-edge colleges are now embracing.

His inventions have seeded several public companies. Recently he has been working on the AirScooter -- a sort of propeller-powered counterpart to the Moller SkyCar.

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